Just Witchy's Blog


Melissa Gula-Wyszynski


ChrysocollaChrysocolla is regarded as a Stone of Communication. It is devoted toexpression, empowerment and teaching. The serenity of its turquoise-bluecolor gets rid of negative energies, calms, and allows truth and innerwisdom to surface and be heard. A peaceful stone, it emphasizes thepower our words and actions have on those around us and encouragescompassion and strengthening of character.Chrysocolla is a stone of empowerment of the feminine energies, teachingthat genuine power is best expressed through gentleness. It is a stone ofthe Goddess, and those who resonate with it will likely feel her ancient andenduring energies rising within themselves. [Simmons, 114]It is the stone...

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Melissa Gula-Wyszynski


PinolithPinolith is a rare semi-precious stone. It gets its name from the magnesiteinclusions that look like white kernels or pinecones. It is only found in oneplace in the world, which is a magnesite deposit located in Lower Tauern, amountain range of the Central Eastern Alps in Austria. Pinolith wasdiscovered in 1873 and mined during World War II because of its highmanganese level. Manganese is a critical component in iron and steelproduction.The metaphysical properties of Pinolith include optimism and balance. Itprovides a soothing, calming effect, improving self-esteem whileestablishing equilibrium between emotions and intellect. It also promotescreativity and imagination by getting rid...

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Melissa Gula-Wyszynski


BronziteBronzite is abundant throughout history and is found all over the world.Once polished, Bronzite is a beautiful stone containing golden flecks andsome may have a reflective appearance known as cat’s-eye. Historicallypowdered Bronzite was used to protect against mental illness andconfusion.The metaphysical properties of Bronzite include grounding and providingclarity for thoughts and actions. It can also instill politeness and is knownas the "stone of courtesy". Jewelry made from this stone help to get rid ofnervous energy created from new situations. Additional uses for Bronziteinclude increasing self-esteem, promoting decision making, dispellingnegativity and enhancing creativity. People tend to be drawn to Bronzitebecause of...

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