Our Family of Readers


ANDREA– Andrea is an Intuitive Tarot reader with over 30 years of experience.  She is also a Reiki Master Teacher.  Book with Andrea
D.E.B. Numerology -  Decode your Energy Blueprint
Deb has a unique gift of interpreting how your energy flows based on your date of birth.  Your name also carry's an energy that enhances your individual Blueprint.  Deb is an Intuitive and Empath who receives divine messages during the Energy Reading to offer personal insight to what you need to focus on at the PRESENT time.  Discover how you are "wired" and how your unique energy flows.  Are you working with your strengths or struggling?  Do you continue to attract hardship or have you tapped in to your divine manifestation?  Is your Divine Blueprint a Thinker, Feeler or Doer?  Get ready to Decode your unique Energy Blueprint today!! 
Book With Deb Numerology
Kim - Is an Intuitive Tarot, Dragon, and Rune Reader. She is also a Dragon, Tiger, Elemental, Seichim and Celtic Reiki Master plus Level 2 Crystal Reiki and Level 2 VooDoo Reiki. Kim also does Energy Healing and Chakra Alignments by appointment. Book With Kim
LADY VIOLETTE (JULIA) - Has been studying and practicing Tarot for over 15 years. She uses the Legend of the Arthurian deck which she feels has insight on how we feel today. She also has Clairaudient and Clairsentient abilities and will do Intuitive Palm Readings. Smudging and psychic removal services available. Book With Lady Violette


Laura Lee- Laura is an Intuitive Psychic Clairvoyant, who reads Tarot and receives messages from the deceased. Laura is Fluent in Spanish. Check out her Blog: Diary of a Witch

Book with Laura Lee
Lizzie- an intuitive reader who has been studying and practicing tarot since 2015. Her goal is for clients to find the answers within themselves. She primarily uses the Morgan Greer and The Pulp Tarot decks. Book With Lizzie
LYDIA – LYDIA is an Intuitive Tarot and Tea Leaf reader and a Seichim, Dragon, Tiger, and VooDoo Reiki Master and Level 2 Usui Reiki. She is available for Energy Healings and Chakra Alignments by appointment. LYDIA will also put together gris-gris/Mojo bags and candles for your personal needs by Special Order. Book With Lydia
Mary Ellen - Mary Ellen is an Intuitive who reads Angel Oracle cards. Mary Ellen has been reading for 40 years. Mary speaks to her angels and using her Angel Oracle cards she will tailor your reading to your specific questions. Book with Mary Ellen
RAVENS DAWN (SHARON) - RAVENS DAWN is a Norse Rune Reader of nearly 20 years. She is also Intuitive and feels the Elder Futhark Runes chose her to work with them. She also reads the Runic Tarot and offers Runic Birth Readings. Book with Raven's Dawn
ROSE DRAGON (PAULA) - Is an Intuitive Tarot, Dragon, and Rune Reader. She is also a Dragon, Tiger, Elemental, Seichim and Celtic Reiki Master plus Level 2 Crystal Reiki and Level 2 VooDoo Reiki. ROSE DRAGON also does Energy Healing and Chakra Alignments by appointment. Book with Rose Dragon

Salem Dragon (Kevin) -A Shamanic practitioner. Kevin uses many styles of Divination including; Tarot/ Oracle cards, Sphere scrying, Key scrying, Dice and Bone readings. Kevin is also master level Dragon Reiki, Celtic Reiki and Owl Reiki.

Book With Salem Dragon

Sapphire Moon - An Intuitive Tarot and Oracle Reader. He has been reading for the last 15 years and uses a variety of Tarot decks he follows a spiritually eclectic mix of paths.

Book with Sapphire Moon
Yvonne - A medium who can see and sense spirits. Yvonne is an intuitive Tarot reader. She can also sense issues in your energy and aura.  Book With Yvonne
Zachary - An old soul who has studied many paths, who has been part of the Pagan community since childhood. He would like to help you discover your path he reads from the Dragon Tarot and is currently following the Norse path.

Book With Zachary



CRYSTAL POND VIBRATIONS (ANDREA)– Andrea uses singing bowls, tuning forks combined with Reiki to cleanse and clear the Chakra’s.  She works with angel energy to assist in her healing work. Book with Andrea
TERRI– Terri is an intuitive energy healer.  Heal the body by Aligning the Chakras with turning forks, Reiki, copper.  Receives message from animal spirits to help guide your on your journey.

Book with Terri

ROSE DRAGON (PAULA) - She is a Dragon, Tiger, Elemental, Seichim and Celtic Reiki Master plus Level 2 Crystal Reiki and Level 2 VooDoo Reiki. ROSE DRAGON also does Energy Healing,  Chakra Alignments and Spiritual cleansing and Scraping.

Book with Rose Dragon

Other Services


Cord Cutting Ritual-

The ritual of cord cutting severs your bonds to people, relationships, places, objects, past traumas and ideas. By performing a cord-cutting ritual, you can release negative energy and patterns that are no longer serving you. A cord cutting, will aid you in healing from the bonds that are holding you from your higher purpose. This is an empowering and life changing ritual.

This 15 minute ritual a one on one ritual and is personalized just for you. 

Please Call 708-687-1333 to reserve your appointment.

Rose will provide all necessary supplies.    

Book Cord Cutting Ritual