Slippery Elm Bark
Magical Uses: Health, Cleansing, Protection, Halts Gossip, Exorcism, Spell Breaking
Slippery elm is native to North America and has been used magically and medicinally since prehistory. Slippery elm was introduced to the European colonists and was quickly adopted into their herbal remedies. Slippery elm bark, when placed in contact with water, produces a gummy substance, which swells and becomes a soothing ointment.
Use slippery elm bark in sachets for health, cleansing, protection, halting gossip, and spell breaking. Burned as incense, this bark is used for cleansing, protection, halting gossip, exorcism, and spell breaking. Place a pinch of slippery elm inn the corners of one’s home in order to rid the property of evil and negativity and prevent it from reentering.
All herbs come in a 3x4 bag, weight may vary.
Please note: any orders placed on Friday evenings, holidays, or weekends will be shipped on the next business day.