Base 12 Numerology By Michael Smith

Base 12 Numerology By Michael Smith

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Discover Your Life Path Through Nature's Most Powerful Number

Master Your Vibrational Life with the Natural Power of Base-12

Discover your higher purpose and empower your life in profound ways with Base-12 Numerology, a unique system designed around the vibration of prime numbers and base-12. This approachable book adapts traditional numerology to the cycles of twelve through which nature speaks, creating a powerful system that helps you take control of your life, both personally and at work.

Beginners and established numerologists will find amazing insights that are explained in straightforward, non-technical ways. Michael Smith walks you through your own numerology reading and reveals how your days are full of vibrational potential and growth. Discover the base-12 blueprint of nature and how the numbers guide you physically and spiritually. Explore sample profiles of famous figures and the numerical meanings of letters and words. Providing many clarifying examples and charts, this book makes it easy to put the numbers to work for you.

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