Chaste Tree Berries
Magical Uses: Fidelity, Love, Fertility, Drawing down the Moon
Chaste tree is native to the eastern Mediterranean and has since been cultivated in temperate climates around the world. Its peppery fruit has been used for over two thousand years for its medicinal and magical properties. In ancient Greece and Rome, the berry was used by both men and women for fidelity and chastity. Pliny the Elder noted that Athenian maidens would put the leaves under their beds during the festival of Thesmophoria to help preserve their chastity.
Use chaste tree berries in sachets for fidelity, chastity, love, and fertility. Powder and add to incense for love, fertility, and drawing down the moon. Add to a tea or tincture for fidelity and love.
All Herbs come in a 3x4 bag weight may vary.
Please note: any orders placed on Friday evenings, holidays, or weekends will be shipped on the next business day.