Beginners Guide to Getting Stoned... I mean Stones! (Granite)

Crystals Granite K2 Stone strength

What is a natural stone that can have many variations in color, pattern, and veining?

Probably one you take for Gran-ite!

Get it? Granite? 

I crack myself up! 😂

 I believe my bosses just did a group eye-roll!

Well that's okay, Granite is worth rolling your eyes over!  

 Because there are so many minerals that make up Granite, like quartz, amphiboles, feldspar, potassium and mica, the variations are endless! Granite can vary widely in color from the off white caused by quartz, dark green or black from amphibole, to the pink from potassium feldspar, just to mention a few variations. 

   I haven't even begun to talk about the veining, or long meandering lines of color that traverse the natural stone. In geological terms, veins are the sheets of crystallized minerals within a rock. All of which make it a pretty neat stone! 

Rock of Ages Granite Mine, Vermont USA


I even thought the mine was pretty! 

But perhaps I should start with - What is Granite? 

   Granite is an igneous rock, which means it formed from magma, or melted rock. This forms deep inside the Earth under a mountain or volcano when the melted rock cools or crystalizes into solid rock.

   The process takes millions of years and forms a pretty hard rock. Granite is a 6-8 on the Moh's hardness scale. While it is more difficult to sculpt than marble, it lasts a lot longer, which makes it good for a lot of applications, from art to counters, headstones, and building facing! 

   Though maybe the stone is not so good as a bowling alley... unless you want to use rubber balls. The hardness breaks regular bowling balls after a few throws!

But this hardness spills is a good thing when you consider its spiritual qualities.

   Granite can be worn as a talisman to enhance physical and mental strength. It is also associated with abundance and protection. Many use this stone to ward off threatening spirits. Combined with other minerals, like Azurite, it is believed to aid in healing as well.

   Yet another quality of Granite is balance. Granite is believed to induce a state of mental and spiritual calm and considered a great stone for grounding. Since it contains quartz, Granite is also classified as a stone that stores and transmits energy.

Not bad for a stone that is believed to be 300 millions years old!

Looking to possess this stone yourself? Visit us in person or online at Just Witchys carries a number of books to increase your understanding of this and many other stones and crystals. They also carry a variety of K2 Granite products to share with someone you love, pair with your favorite outfits, use in rituals, and adorn your home.

That's all now from the Shinyite School of stones!

Shinyite School of Stones is an unregistered trademark of Used by permission to Just Witchys. 😁

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